
Thanks for this!

> In case you do not to intend to submit this package to Fedora, the only 
> way to avoid this clash, is to resort to renaming your package (e.g. to 
> call it pdfstapler).

How and where in the .spec file should I do this? What happens to the binary, 
etc inside the package?
> In case you intend to submit this package to Fedora, you can also try to 
> contact the other stapler's Fedora packager and to try to persuade him 
> to rename his package.

I don't know about this, because after all the other package is also called 
stapler and is also a more mature package.

> BTW: In Fedora, NEVRs are subject to technical requirements and 
> conventions[1], which render using "master" as an rpm's version, a bad 
> choice.

I agree with this and would also like this to have a version (0.3 currently) 
rather than master, but the source code at the URL is stapler-master. How do I 
get around this, beyond downloading and renaming the zip file?

Many thanks again and best wishes,

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