On 02/15/2015 06:03 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:

Also, the binary is called stapler. However, there is already a stapler binary 
(as part of a totally different package for URL applications). Is there a way 
to name this automagically? (The package and the binary that I am packaging are 
called stapler - I guess I was thinking of renaming them to pdfstapler to avold 

Actually, I have realized that there is a big(ger) problem. I am able to 
install my stapler and I am able to make it work (on all the test examples that 
I tried) but the problem is that a yum update would wipe it out (with the 
repo's stapler which is quite different in scope and functionality from the 
python package).

sudo yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
  Package                    Arch   Version                        Repository
  stapler                    noarch 1.233-1.fc21                   updates 303 k

Is there an easy way to change everything in the python stapler package (that I 
am packaging) to pdfstapler or some such name?
Like you already noticed. their is another "stapler" package in Fedora, which conflicts with yours.

As your package's EVR (epoch:version-release) rpm-wise is less than the other stapler package's EVR, the other stapler-package wins. This causes yum/dnf to kickout your "stapler".

In case you do not to intend to submit this package to Fedora, the only way to avoid this clash, is to resort to renaming your package (e.g. to call it pdfstapler).

In case you intend to submit this package to Fedora, you can also try to contact the other stapler's Fedora packager and to try to persuade him to rename his package.

BTW: In Fedora, NEVRs are subject to technical requirements and conventions[1], which render using "master" as an rpm's version, a bad choice.


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:NamingGuidelines#Package_Versioning

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