On 01.02.2015 20:28, poma wrote:
> On 01.02.2015 18:50, antonio wrote:
>> poma ha scrito il 01/02/2015 alle 18:37:
>>> On 01.02.2015 17:23, antonio wrote:
>>>> antonio ha scrito il 01/02/2015 alle 12:08:
>>>>> I was able to print from any remote computer in F20, now when I try to
>>>>> print I get socket not connected.I deleted and re-installed remote
>>>>> printer but when I try to print a test page it says that printer is not
>>>>> connected.
>>>>> Network printing is a nightmare for me, sorry to say...
>>>> it seems that the soultion is to check ipp and ipp-client in Firewall
>>>> zones, not so obvious when you have done a standard installation of
>>>> Fedora-Workstation (or in my case un upgrade of F20 where everything was
>>>> fine). I still think that Firewalld settings should be adjusted by
>>>> system when a printer is shared (as they were in F20 in my home zone in 
>>>> F20)
>>> The last time I set up a printer, a mechanism to adjust the firewall was 
>>> working
>>> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/system-config-printer.git/tree/serversettings.py#n564
>> correct, it was working in F20, but only if you were installing a new 
>> printer, if you had already set a printer (as in my case) from F19, you 
>> had to adjust by hand the Firewalld settings
> I just checked with my Fedora 21 LiveDVD compilation with full support for 
> printing, and this mechanism does not work at all.
> Mister Waugh,
> whether it's worth a try latest and greatest?
> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/system-config-printer.git/


# system-config-printer --debug
Connected as user root
Authentication pass: 1
Authentication: password callback set
<authconn.Connection object at 0x7f6762c9bd68>: Operation += fetching server 
Authentication pass: 1
Authentication: password callback set
<authconn.Connection object at 0x7f6762c9bd68>: Operation ended
on_server_changed: <CheckButton object at 0x7f676332bb40 (GtkCheckButton at 
on_server_changed: <CheckButton object at 0x7f676332bb40 (GtkCheckButton at 
on_server_changed: <CheckButton object at 0x7f676332be58 (GtkCheckButton at 
on_server_changed: <CheckButton object at 0x7f676332bea0 (GtkCheckButton at 
<authconn.Connection object at 0x7f6762c9bd68>: Operation += modifying server 
Authentication pass: 1
Authentication: password callback set
<authconn.Connection object at 0x7f6762c9bd68>: Operation ended
Using system-config-firewall
Caught non-fatal exception.  Traceback:
File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/serversettings.py", line 552, in 
    allowed = f.check_ipp_server_allowed ()
File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/firewallsettings.py", line 252, in 
    "--service=" + IPP_SERVER_SERVICE]))
File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/firewallsettings.py", line 228, in 
    (args, filename) = self._get_fw_data ()
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Continuing anyway..
Connected as user root
D-Bus signal from CUPS... calling update
Next notifications fetch in 200ms (update called)

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