On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 3:22 PM, poma <pomidorabelis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01.02.2015 21:41, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 12:28 PM, poma <pomidorabelis...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 01.02.2015 18:50, antonio wrote:
>>>> correct, it was working in F20, but only if you were installing a new
>>>> printer, if you had already set a printer (as in my case) from F19, you
>>>> had to adjust by hand the Firewalld settings
>>> I just checked with my Fedora 21 LiveDVD compilation with full support for 
>>> printing, and this mechanism does not work at all.
>> Huh. Well my gut instinct is this should work out of the box and that
>> it's an oversight with firewalld-config-workstation.noarch not
>> permitting IPP.
>> I posted a message on desktop@ whether there should be a printing
>> related release criteria.
> The compilation I mentioned is based on Xfce.
> Therefore this issue is much wider then "Desktop/Workstation/GNOME"
> narrow understanding of the concept of a firewall.
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2014-December/205010.html

poma and antonio, what do you get for:
rpm -qa | grep firewalld-config

And can both of you confirm which firewall-config checkbox you're
checking to resolve this? Is it ipp or ipp-client or both? I'm going
to guess it's just ipp-client that's needed.

Note that ipp and ipp-client uses port 631 which is below the open
ports 1025+ for Fedora 21. It has to be explicitly permitted and on a
clean Fedora 21 Workstation VM for me ipp and ipp-client are disabled
and thus blocked by firewalld. Thing is, it's not obvious because
firewall-config isn't installed by default.  So it's actually an
interesting question what the intended workflow for printing to
network or remote CUPS printers is supposed to be? It's a little silly
(not really in the funny way) if it's "oh yeah so, yum install
firewall-config and check ipp-client and then you can print." Umm

With the IPP Everywhere work in progress, I think this has to be
enabled by default in order for its goals to be achievable.

Chris Murphy
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