On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Angelo Moreschini
<mrangelo.fed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you to all of you,
> I learned many things that I yet did not know ...
> And also I have yet to explore issues ...
> Just I would still ask :
> we can get a linux kernel using SystemRescueCD
> (http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage) it is possible to fix any
> "rescue problem" in this environment?

Any problem is a very long list. I've never used sysresccd. I think
the goals of that project are quite purposeful, but also challenging,
depending on the problem.

As a very narrow scope example, its current version contains
btrfs-progs 3.17.1. But Fedora has had a 3.18.x version for nearly a
month, including 3.18.1 in stable now, and 3.18.2 (current to
upstream) since 3 days ago. So getting new things in Fedora itself are
pretty easy. I tend to use something like the Fedora live security
spin, and yum or dnf upgrade or install whatever tool I need.

>And, if it is possible to do, how we
> can achieve this purpose?

I don't understand the question. I'm not sure what you want to fix,
and any problem is simply too long a list to answer.

> what we can do with the prompt (boot : ) that comes when we type "escape"
> from the "iso installation disc CD" ?

Creating a Bootable Disk
"SYSLINUX will display a LILO-style "boot:" prompt. The user can then
type a kernel file name followed by any kernel parameters."

Chris Murphy
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