On 01/30/2015 06:51 AM, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
Hi Fernando

that I would like know ...
Unfortunately I am not experienced how to do it...; could
you give me a good reference where I could learn, please ?

Angelo, the live media images do NOT have the "rescue" option. You
first must download the netinst iso. One location you can get it from


Boot from that image and you should be able to get to the boot prompt
and enter:

        linux rescue

to enter rescue mode.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Fernando Lozano <ferna...@lozano.eti.br
<mailto:ferna...@lozano.eti.br>> wrote:


    Hi Angelo.

    Yes (for installing Fedora) I am using a live CD..; and I know
    that it is also a possibility to use DVD iso (about that I have to

    However  I was able to get the prompt pressing "Escape"

    Anyway I still not was been able to enter in recovery modefrom the
    prompt, because both the command: "linux rescue" and "init.rescue"
    were not recognized by the interpreter.
    Every Linux boot media can display the prompt, but the commands
    available have to be included on the media itself.
    The rescue commands are not provided by Fedora LiveCDs. So you need
    to download a non-liveCD Fedora installation media, boot from it and
    then use the prompt.
    []s, Fernando Lozano

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