On 01/09/2015 05:43 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
Anyone have any good suggestions for a new laptop with good Linux
compatibility? My current one is about 8 years old (IIRC), not looking
for anything superspecced to replaced it, just annoyances like reduced
battery life and the wifi switch playing up are starting to build up
(plus people have poked the screen one too many times). It's a 13.3"
screen with 100GB hard drive and I guess I'd be hoping to find
something similar with a maximum budget of about £500.

I use a Dell N7110 Inspiron laptop (17", my eyes aren't what they used
to be). It's an Intel i5 (4 cores) with Intel graphics, 750G HD, 8G
RAM. Running F21 on it under Xfce. Works great. The touchpad can be,
well, touchy, but easily disabled when I use a bluetooth mouse.

- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-              Never eat anything larger than your head              -
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