From a HW p.o.v. chrome-books are nice and affordable, and work nice under 
However, if you aren't careful, the bios will reloads chrome again, wiping 
everything else :-(
Atm, I use a Toshiba, portege Z30-A-14Q.
Nice 13.3" machine, but with an I7 and 16GB mem and 250GB sdd slightly over 
your specs, but will last at least another 8 years.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Paul Cartwright
Sent: vrijdag 9 januari 2015 15:55
Subject: Re: current laptop recommendations

On 01/09/2015 08:43 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
> Anyone have any good suggestions for a new laptop with good Linux 
> compatibility? My current one is about 8 years old (IIRC), not looking 
> for anything superspecced to replaced it, just annoyances like reduced 
> battery life and the wifi switch playing up are starting to build up 
> (plus people have poked the screen one too many times). It's a 13.3"
> screen with 100GB hard drive and I guess I'd be hoping to find 
> something similar with a maximum budget of about £500.
if you want cheap, you might want to try a Chromebook...

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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