On 12/23/14 19:53, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On 12/23/2014 03:02 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 12/23/14 15:50, Tim wrote:
>>> I've never come to grips with multiple docs for man, depending on such
>>> things as section numbers.  And I see no difference in output between
>>> "man 8 mount" or "man mount"  Granted I haven't gone the whole way
>>> through, but I've already gone deep into them, and not seen anything.
>> But you do see a difference between
>> man 8 mount    and
>> man 2 mount   
>> Yes?
> I see the difference, but as usual with most man pages, you almost have
> to know the syntacs you are looking for.. I always look for examples ,
> and never find the one that applies to my situation. And I've looked at
> man pages for 30 years..
 FWIW,  "man man" does tell one the purpose of each of the sections.

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