Going off on a tangent here, so I'm deliberately splitting a thread...

On Mon, 2014-12-22 at 10:38 +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> Run the command:
>   man 8 mount
> and see the types available for "-t" option.
> The "general" part of this advice is that: you're using the "mount"
> command, so read the "mount" manual entry!
> ("mount" is an administrative command, so it is in section 8, not
> section 1.)

I've never come to grips with multiple docs for man, depending on such
things as section numbers.  And I see no difference in output between
"man 8 mount" or "man mount"  Granted I haven't gone the whole way
through, but I've already gone deep into them, and not seen anything.

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Linux 3.17.6-200.fc20.i686 #1 SMP Mon Dec 8 15:42:32 UTC 2014 i686

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George Orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning against tyranny, not
a set of instructions for supposedly democratic governments.

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