On 12.12.2014 18:34, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 12/12/2014 09:04 AM, poma wrote:
>> On 11.12.2014 21:55, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> On 12/11/2014 02:44 PM, poma wrote:
>>>> On 11.12.2014 19:25, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>>> On F21
>>>>> I have not found anything in the Xfce keyboard shortcut on using the
>>>>> windows keys.
>>>>> The menu button seems to be working ok.
>>>>> The windows start button does not seem to do anything.  I would think it
>>>>> would bring down the applications menu, but it doesn't.
>>>>> The start button + P does bring up the monitor switcher (better than
>>>>> GNOME just rolling through the modes).
>>>>> Start + L does not lock the screen.
>>>>> Don't know of any others, but this is my experience so far.  Start+L
>>>>> would be nicer than ctl-alt-del.
>>>> Have not I already explained what 'xflock4' is?
>>> Well, actually I just did a search of this list back into september and
>>> this is the only message that comes up with the string 'xflock4' in it.
>>> Now it might be my Thunderbird emailer search is having some challenges,
>>> or I dropped some messages when I changed my server.
>>> What list and what message did you explain xflock4 in?
>> You really are kidding, right?
> No.  I am not.  But I did another search for 'xflock4' in the body of a 
> message, and this time I found your message dated 11/30.  Don't know why 
> the previous search missed it.  Got it now.

You must be kiiiidiiiing! :)
Also @test is a link to the video clip, 'xflock4' is also mentioned.

>> Several lines of a wrapper script ...
>> http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-session/plain/scripts/xflock4
>> i.e.
>> $ cat /usr/bin/xflock4

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