On 12/11/2014 02:44 PM, poma wrote:
On 11.12.2014 19:25, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On F21

I have not found anything in the Xfce keyboard shortcut on using the
windows keys.

The menu button seems to be working ok.

The windows start button does not seem to do anything.  I would think it
would bring down the applications menu, but it doesn't.

The start button + P does bring up the monitor switcher (better than
GNOME just rolling through the modes).

Start + L does not lock the screen.

Don't know of any others, but this is my experience so far.  Start+L
would be nicer than ctl-alt-del.

Have not I already explained what 'xflock4' is?

Well, actually I just did a search of this list back into september and this is the only message that comes up with the string 'xflock4' in it.

Now it might be my Thunderbird emailer search is having some challenges, or I dropped some messages when I changed my server.

What list and what message did you explain xflock4 in?

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