On 12/12/2014 03:05 PM, Jouk Jansen wrote:
linuxnutster at videotron.ca wrote on 12-DEC-2014 14:26:15.06

On 12/12/2014 02:21 AM, Jouk Jansen wrote:
Joe Zeff wrote at 11-DEC-2014 18:34:39.83

On 12/11/2014 06:45 AM, Jouk Jansen wrote:
Does anybody know or point me in the direction of a solution?

Follow the instructions here:
http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=204752  Don't worry about
the way it refers only to old versions of Fedora; it's been kept
up-to-date and works just as well now as it did then.  As you'll see,
it's a tad more complicated than simply installing one package and

Bassically this suggest avoid collisions with nouveau. However, even
removing nouveau and doing the dracut as suggested on the webpage, still
hangs when starting gdm

Hello, I have the same problem, but I'm a novice at troubleshooting.
What is the precise location of the logfile I need?

What I listed came from :

I'd guess, your graphics card requires a driver from NVidia's "Long-Lived" 340.* series (I had this issue myself)

Unfortunately, rpmfusion currently only ships NVidia's drivers form "Legacy" (304.*) and "Short Lived" (343.*) series.

May-be you could give the packages under review at
a try.


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