2014-11-09 20:31 GMT-03:00 Pete Travis <li...@petetravis.com>:
> Please file a bug[1] against the documentation you're referencing,
> probably the Power Management Guide?  That will help the guide
> coordinator ensure that the issue is appropriately addressed. Point 1)
> seems especially relevant, that much should be explicitly clear.
Will do so. Just wanted to get some impressions here before filing a bug.

> fwiw, it seems like hibernation is generally falling out of favor these
> days.  I know not everyone has newer systems, but those that do have
> machines that use shockingly little power on suspend, and cold boot
> faster than a resume from hibernate could ever achieve.

I had a Dell laptop a which I bought about 4 years ago. I almost
always suspended it (no hibernation) and when it got to 14 months
(warrant was over) it died (hard die, like in motherboard chip got

The guy in Dell told me not to suspend the laptop, at least not for
long periods of time, which really surprised me.

About cold boot, well even if the cold boot is fast, there is lots of
things I need to get starting before I start to work (ssh keys, login
to monitoring systems, etc) which make a cold boot extremely tiresome.

> On point 3, one would hope that resuming from hibernate didn't require
> you to manually edit the grub configs every time :)  I'm not well versed
> in the area, but it smells like at least one bug/deficiency  from here.

This looks like a kernel bug, as you can specify a boot partition
using UUID, so why not the one to resume from.

> [1]
> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/20/html/Power_Management_Guide/pr01s02.html


Martín Marqués http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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