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On 11/09/2014 03:38 PM, Martín Marqués wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was trying to get hibernation working on my F20 laptop with which I
> Going through the process, which I thought would be more transparent
> or that it would just be like hitting the hibernation and that's it, I
> found great deficiencies in Fedora (maybe just from the kernel) and
> especially in the docs (or the lack of documentation in this
> particular issue):
> 1) I had trouble getting the system to hibernate. There wasn't
> anything clear about the fact that you needed to have a swap bigger
> than the amount of memory you have. Also, it doesn't work if you have
> a file as swap (which was the easiest way to start testing)
> 2) You need (or at least with my laptop) to add the resume=<swap FS>,
> this I did find information in the docs, but I'm a bit surprised that
> Fedora doesn't give better information about all this during the
> installation process.
> 3) When adding the resume= option to the kernel line in grub you can't
> use UUID like FS. That is a bug IMHO.
> Well that's as much as I remember now.
> At least I now have hibernation working correctly on my laptop.
> Regards,

Please file a bug[1] against the documentation you're referencing,
probably the Power Management Guide?  That will help the guide
coordinator ensure that the issue is appropriately addressed. Point 1)
seems especially relevant, that much should be explicitly clear.

fwiw, it seems like hibernation is generally falling out of favor these
days.  I know not everyone has newer systems, but those that do have
machines that use shockingly little power on suspend, and cold boot
faster than a resume from hibernate could ever achieve.

On point 3, one would hope that resuming from hibernate didn't require
you to manually edit the grub configs every time :)  I'm not well versed
in the area, but it smells like at least one bug/deficiency  from here.


- -- 
- -- Pete Travis
 - Fedora Docs Project Leader
 - 'randomuser' on freenode
 - immanet...@fedoraproject.org
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