On Sun, 2014-10-05 at 14:52 -0500, Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus
> I understand the concern for the initial care in children's literacy,
> but I think the fears are unfounded and instead of seeking to create
> or modify fonts to suit what he considers fundamental to literacy for
> children and prevent problems and confusions .
> But I think that the approach is not the best, I bet most of what is
> always done to expose children to different types of writing and
> letters to broaden their outlook and also avoid confusion, rather than
> restricted to a "pure" version .

I am in two minds about it.  But I think I would use a standardised font
for lessons, at first, and for some time.  They'll be exposed to other
fonts and styles with other reading material that hadn't been made by
the teacher.


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