On Tue, 2014-09-23 at 00:41 -0400, Doug wrote:
> Making the letter "a" like a Kindergarten child is--_childish__!

In some forty-odd years I have only ever seen two people write the lower
case "a" like typewriters do (looking like a "d" where they top tail is
flopping over to the left), and the lower case "g" with two small
circles joined together.  The YouTube example showed the normal
formation of letters that I've seen everyone else use.

As someone who's worked with young kids learning to read and right,
those two odd ball typographical characters cause no end of confusion.

To the original poster, I don't think that using a font that emulates
handwriting is quite the way to go, but a normal, simple, non-confusing
typeface.  Some of the fonts designed for programmers may be a start,
because those people had an absolute need for being able to tell exactly
which letter is which (use the wrong 1 or l in a program, and it doesn't

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Linux 3.16.2-201.fc20.i686 #1 SMP Mon Sep 15 20:21:12 UTC 2014 i686

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George Orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning against tyranny, not
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