On 10/03/2014 12:45 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 10/03/14 10:18, jd1008 wrote:
On 10/02/2014 07:16 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
At this point, if I were you, I'd create a bootable LIVE USB or a LIVE CD from 
the F20 release and boot it and see if it works.
Definitely worth a try.

Yes, and then you can compare the logs....

If you did keep the "rescue" grub entry you could boot into that and try your 
"experiments" with loading modules.  You'll probably have to extract and replace the 
/usr/lib/modules/whatever-kernel directory from the initramfs as that was probably removed (or cleaned out) 
when the kernel related to the "rescue" boot was removed.

Of course, this would assume that when the system was first installed you 
hadn't installed the rpmfusion packages until at least the next kernel update.  
Otherwise, the initramfs would contain rpmfusion bits.

Now that the problem is fixed, I just want to add the comment that
the weakness of initramfs is that the user cannot
manually load some of the driver modules, if initramfs does not load them
at boot time. In fact the very devices for which these driver modules
are made, are SW devices, which do not get loaded (because of installing some
none-free driver removing them from initramfs, or because of any reason or
action which would remove them from initramfs), so loading any
module at runtime, that depends on that SW device, will not load.
This weakness must be obliterated.
It creates a huge problem for situations such as what I just went through.

Why not, for example modify modprobe to do what
yum does: i.e. when loading a module (at runtime) that depends on other
modules, then load those modules too, so that we do not get
unresolved symbols.

Thanx Ed for all your help.

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