On 10/01/14 07:06, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> On 09/30/2014 05:19 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> As you can see from the output of lsmod the "nouveau" is not being
>> loaded.  We've established, off list, that there is no
>> blacklist-nouveau.conf file in /usr/lib/modprobe.d either.  You've
>> rebuilt your initramfs and still don't get nouveau.
>> At the moment I can't think of what else would cause the issue.
> I've found that getting dracut to add a new kernel module to the
> initramfs can be a bit of a pain.  I.e., it may not add nouveau to the
> initramfs because it isn't already loaded ...
> This can be checked with lsinitrd.
> Try adding "--add-drivers nouveau" to the dracut command used to create
> the initramfs.

Ahhh, yes.  Good idea....

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