Thanks for your reply Joe.

I figured (but didn't make it clear) that I'd have to tell anaconda about
the existing home partition on the second drive. I was wondering more about
whether it would then automatically create the pre-existing user accounts
and whether all previous e-mails and settings would be preserved and
available under the new install.

Thanks again

On 5 September 2014 19:36, Joe Zeff <> wrote:

> On 09/05/2014 11:10 AM, Bat Phil wrote:
>> 3. Am I correct in my assumption that my mail client (I will be using
>> Thunderbird) stores all its e-mails and settings in a hidden directory
>> within the home directory?
> ~/.thunderbird to be exact.
>  4. If I do a reinstall later, will the OS pick up that I already have
>> the home directory structure on a separate drive and automatically
>> configure to it or will I have to do a bit of tinkering?
> The installer has no way of knowing how you want your various partitions
> mounted unless you tell it.  To do what you want, you need to create a
> custom partitioning layout, which is quite simple.  You specify what
> partition is mounted where, tell anaconda how you want it formatted or, if
> you want to keep the data, that it's not to be formatted.  Generally
> speaking, /home is the only partition not formatted, but there are
> exceptions, such as if you have a complete drive dedicated to a video
> collection and want it mounted as (let's say) /video.
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