On 09/05/2014 11:10 AM, Bat Phil wrote:

3. Am I correct in my assumption that my mail client (I will be using
Thunderbird) stores all its e-mails and settings in a hidden directory
within the home directory?

~/.thunderbird to be exact.

4. If I do a reinstall later, will the OS pick up that I already have
the home directory structure on a separate drive and automatically
configure to it or will I have to do a bit of tinkering?

The installer has no way of knowing how you want your various partitions mounted unless you tell it. To do what you want, you need to create a custom partitioning layout, which is quite simple. You specify what partition is mounted where, tell anaconda how you want it formatted or, if you want to keep the data, that it's not to be formatted. Generally speaking, /home is the only partition not formatted, but there are exceptions, such as if you have a complete drive dedicated to a video collection and want it mounted as (let's say) /video.
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