
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 5:38 PM, Stephen Morris  wrote:

> Hi Rahul,
>     Thankyou for the link, do you know how up to date that information is?
> It says that   dnf update   and    dnf upgrade   do the same thing, but
> there is no    update   parameter on dnf, and, it also says that   dnf
> upgrade   has the   --skip-broken  functionality built in by default, but
> it was a   dnf upgrade   that highlighted that dnf doesn't have that
> functionality.

It should be up2date.  If you notice any differences that are undocumented
or documented incorrectly, that should be reported as a bug.  Also note
that there are other differences including --best and the way the cache
metadata is expired which might explain some of what you are seeing.

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