On 07/01/14 09:06, Chris wrote:
> On 07/01/2014 02:21 AM, Mike Wright wrote:
>> ps. Could you not use html mail?  I can barely read the pale gray text. Thx.
> Of course, it's better not to use HTML e-mail. But BTW, "Allow HTML
> Temp" is a nice Thunderbird Extension, especially for this case. It's
> also nice to see, who is using which MUA. That's why I've installed
> "Display Mail User Agent". But that's off-topic. Sorry.

You don't need a plugin.  Thunderbird has as standard feature the ability to 
define "Plain Text Domains".

So, you can send html to all domains and specify fedoraproject.org as a plain 
text domain an T-Bird will do the needful.

If you can't laugh at yourself, others will gladly oblige.
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