On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 17:33:19 -0400
Temlakos wrote:

> This new machine I just installed F20 on, has an optical drive that can 
> read Blu-ray disks. But when I insert one, of any description, it will 
> not recognize it as a "new device."

That sounds more like a broken drive. It has to at least get past
linux recognizing the disk before mplayer could play it. I have
no problem recognizing blu-ray disks in my system with an LG blu-ray

I don't remember which libs are important for mplayer, I just
keep getting a bigger and bigger list of things it can use
and install them all when I reinstall fedora.

Certainly if you go to rpmfusion.org you can follow the instructions
for getting the repo added, then "yum install mplayer". After that,
when mplayer gives a message about a library it didn't find, you
can see if that lib is also on rpmfusion.
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