On 06/18/2014 05:29 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:24:48 -0400
Temlakos wrote:

Now anyone here can jump in to tell me whether the MythTV project has
anything going with the Hauppauge HD-PVR2. And how soon Linux will be
able to "just play" a Blu-Ray disk, either commercial or one of my
home-burn jobs.
The new hauppauge units don't have linux support, but I've
been using my (older model) hauppauge 1212 HD-PVR to capture
protected programs off my TiVo (component video connection,
so no encryption) for a few weeks. It is a little flaky
(a lot flaky till I updated the firmware), but it seems
to mostly work OK.

You shouldn't have a problem "just playing" a home-burn Blu-Ray
(at least if you install all the mplayer bits from rpmfusion),
commercial DRM protected ones, I don't know about.
You wouldn't have a nice big "yum -y install" command that would cover those "mplayer bits," would you?

This new machine I just installed F20 on, has an optical drive that can read Blu-ray disks. But when I insert one, of any description, it will not recognize it as a "new device." It just sits there, waiting for me to hit the eject button on the drive and get it out of there.

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