On Wed, 2014-04-30 at 08:47 +1000, Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 04/30/2014 08:30 AM, Mark C. Allman wrote:
> > On Tue, 2014-04-29 at 16:51 -0500, dwoody1 wrote:
> >> On 04/29/2014 02:46 PM, poma wrote:
> >>> On 29.04.2014 20:49, dwoody1 wrote:
> >>>> I installed F20 shortly after it's release. Everything worked as 
> >>>> expected.
> >>>> All kernels released since then have resulted in the sound not working.
> >>>>
> >>>> The kernel that works is 3.11.10-301.fc20.i686+PAE. Sound does not work
> >>>> for the 3.12.x and 3.13.x kernels.
> >>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/bugs/kernel
> >>> Where is your bug report?
> >> I am not certain that it is a bug. It could still be a configuration
> >> error. It does not seem that any one else is having this problem and
> >> that indicates to me that it is my problem in all likelihood.
> >>
> >>> kernel-PAE-3.14.2-200.fc20.i686?
> >>> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=513888
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> poma
> >>>
> >>>
> > My sound isn't working either.  I didn't notice it until just this
> > weekend.  I know it was working but I can't say when it stopped.
> >
> > I see the pulseaudio volume meter telling me that it's playing, I see
> > the level varying, etc., but nothing from the speakers.  I checked
> > alsamixer and nothing is muted.
> >
> > I'm playing an internet radio station via Chrome right now.  I see in
> > "pulseaudio volume control" that the speakers are pretty much pegged at
> > the max but no sound at all.  One odd thing I just noticed is that just
> > below the two slider controls for left and right speaker and above the
> > volume output level it says "Silence" on the left (which I understand)
> > but "100% (0dB)" on the right which is strange.  The two slider volume
> > controls have a max of "153% (11.00dB)."  Even at the max setting there
> > is no sound at all.
> >
> > I'll try to find some time this weekend to troubleshoot the problem.
> Could the issue be the audio source itself? I had an issue yesterday 
> with a web golf video I was watching where the instructor was talking 
> away but there was no sound from my headphones, whereas other videos 
> from the same source had no issues with sound. I have also noticed that 
> with youtube videos that sound lvls output from the videos vary 
> significantly, in that on some videos the sound is loud and on others if 
> is very soft and almost inaudible.
> regards,
> Steve
<snip the list of installed packages>

It might be the source but I've tried a few between a bit ago and last
weekend.  Also, I would think that the pulseaudio volume meter wouldn't
be showing me that it's pumping out sound at close to max volume if the
sight wasn't sending me something.  However, I'm no pulseaudio expert.

I have another laptop (Dell) so I'll check how it's working.  The laptop
that I use currently is from Think Penguin. The audio hardware (from
lspci) is
"Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio
Controller (rev 06)."

Mark C. Allman, PMP, CSM
Founder, See How You Ski, www.seehowyouski.com
Sr. Project Manager, Allman Professional Consulting, Inc.,
617-947-4263, Twitter:  @allmanpc

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