On 04/29/2014 02:49 PM, dwoody1 wrote:
> I installed F20 shortly after it's release. Everything worked as
> expected.
> All kernels released since then have resulted in the sound not working.
> The kernel that works is 3.11.10-301.fc20.i686+PAE. Sound does not
> work for the 3.12.x and 3.13.x kernels.
> I have searched for a solution for this and found several
> recommendations but none worked for me.
> I have compared a listing of the modules (lsmod) from the working
> kernel and non-working kennel and both lists have the same sound
> modules loaded (there is a size difference in some of the modules, but
> I expected that).
> I have compared the output from amixer for both working and
> non-working kernels and they are exactly the same.
> The sound related packages that are installed are:
> pulseaudio-libs-glib2-4.0-13.gitf81e3.fc20.i686
> alsa-tools-firmware-1.0.27-3.fc20.i686
> alsa-utils-
> alsamixergui-0.9.0-0.16.rc2.fc20.i686
> alsa-lib-
> pulseaudio-libs-4.0-13.gitf81e3.fc20.i686
> alsa-firmware-1.0.27-2.fc20.noarch
> I am not very knowledgeable about sound. I am sure I need to check
> other configuration settings but I do not know which files are relevant.
you don't show the standard pulseaudio package??

do you use the pulseaudio Volume control in Sound & Audio?

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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