On 2014-03-26 03:12, Suvayu Ali wrote:
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:14:44AM -0600, Robin Laing wrote:

I would really like to see Fedora move to a constant flux where applications
are developed and then pushed out as updates which are actually upgrades.

It is Fedora policy to not do that:


I know this and I don't like it when there is a broken package in use on Fedora with submitted bug reports related to the broken features. This is why I would like to see it changed.

It is hard to sell someone on a product when it is broken and will remain broken for months do to policy.

Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen this one before.

Get to a point of not having a F19 or F20 but just Fedora.  You move from 19
to 20 to 21 through the daily updates instead of a major upgrade.

You are talking about a rolling release, this topic has been discussed
to death and rejected.


When I had decent access to this list at work, I did follow the discussion. I would still like to see it changed but that is my thoughts. It would save me time and headaches.


Now for a pint.

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