On 2014-03-25 05:29, lee wrote:
Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> writes:
I reckon it's the case for most OSs that /most/ users don't really care
much about what they're using, nor how it works. The large number of
clueless people using computers would seem to be evidence of that.
The number of clueless people is also large without computers.
Computers might only make that number larger.
True on both accounts. Just like a discussion on a different list I am on.
It's a lesser number of people that have concerns about their OS.
Maybe that's why developers are less concerned about public opinions.
Or maybe people don`t bother to have or bring about concerns because the
developers don`t care.
I don't agree. In many cases it is lack of feedback from users. I know
many developers that I have emailed about problems and they do respond.
Now don't confuse package maintainers with developers. Two different
If I have a complaint in this aspect about Fedora is about major
upgrades to applications and the policy of not feeding those upgrades to
present users. VLC is an example. Fixes in upstream VLC to fix the
save screen shot as a PNG but not fed to users of F19. Now this is an
rpmfusion issue but can be said for Fedora maintainers as well. I
remember an issue with pam_mount a few years ago.
I would really like to see Fedora move to a constant flux where
applications are developed and then pushed out as updates which are
actually upgrades. Get to a point of not having a F19 or F20 but just
Fedora. You move from 19 to 20 to 21 through the daily updates instead
of a major upgrade.
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