On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Pete Travis wrote:

On Feb 18, 2014 1:15 PM, "Mark Haney" <mha...@practichem.com> wrote:

It's never that trivial in my experience.  Regardless of if the VGs
and LVs are named identically or not.  And that's a big part of the
frustration.  The biggest hurdle I've encountered has been
incompatible LVM versions between what I'm using to mount with and
what I'm mounting.  Granted, I've not had to do that sort of thing in
a couple of years, so maybe it's better now, but prior to 2012 it was
a nightmare.

I can appreciate your concern - I have some horror stories too - but we
have no indication that Bob has those kind of problems, and venting your
frustration does little to address his immediate problem.

Even if venting was the intent, Mark accomplished more than venting.
He reduced the likelihood that Bob would eventually
be written off as a problem user or some such.
A problem user being one who attempts strange things,
e.g. using his computer in the shower,
and then neglects to tell us about them.
The result being that something that works perfectly for everyone
else fails miserably for him, but no one will ever know why.

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
"SCSI is NOT magic. There are *fundamental technical
reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young
goat to your SCSI chain now and then."   --   John Woods
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