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On 02/18/2014 02:30 PM, g wrote:
> On 02/18/2014 06:15 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 02/18/2014 10:01 AM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
>>> Yet another example of why I should not be installing with
>>> LVM, nothing I do gains anything from LVM, it is just another
>>> layer of unwanted complexity for this Fedora user.
>> I'm sure that there are many good uses for it in a production 
>> environment, but as a home user I've always considered it
>> nothing more than an answer in search of a problem.
> i would say that you are close.
> i call lvm a problem looking for systems to screw up.
> i lost 3 ext4 drives when i attempted to install f18 to the system
> and even tho i selected for it not to, it installed lvm.
> whoever came up with lvm should be castrated, dip in boiling hot
> oil, then put on a 10' rotisserie spit run from mouth to rectum and
> turned slowly until there is nothing left but a crispy ash.
> i do not need software dividing up partitions for me because it
> thinks it knows best.
> i have done very well setting up systems from first days of red hat
> and i have never had a problem of running out of hard drive space.

Amen, brother. I posted a few days ago the futility I have with
recovering LVM volumes.  I don't really even see the need for it in
production systems, at least for non-RAID volumes (preferably RAID5 or
better).  I have a couple dozen CentOS VMs that were installed with
LVM and it drives me batsh*t crazy because I can't find any
nagios/Icinga plugin that monitors the drives if they are LVMs.  I
know, it sounds kinda winy, but it's true. I want to know what my
drives are doing.  But with LVM it's virtually impossible.

(It's so bad, I'm migrating my entire production server farm VMs to
EXT4 (maybe BTRFS) since they are sitting on two massive RAID5 SANs
and the LVMS just make it impossible to manage if something craps out
on boot.

- -- 
Mark Haney
Network/Systems Administrator
W: (919) 714-8428
Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug) 3.12.10-300.fc20.x86_64
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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