On 02/13/2014 02:05 AM, Roger wrote:

I know your pain.  But a clean Linux install shouldn't take that
long. Only an update-install, which is based on what was
previously installed (and has to churn through assessing it and
all the updates that will be needed), should take that long to

agreed. centos with a default install is very easy to talk someone

once installed, remote console can be setup and "good to go"

Many thanks to all who responded to this dilemma. I really don't
> want to touch it but it's someone I have known for 30 years, we
> worked together though remotely, producing a quarterly newsletter
> for 10 years. Trust me, she is so slow and requires confirmation
> at each small step, having to explain each step takes time.

(bwg) sounds like some of my mom's friends, so i can very well
understand what you are saying. some folks just like to be

Fortunately I am adept at ubuntu and Fedora installs so apart from
the above it should be painless.
My main concern is how to save her emails, photos and poetry to a
usb  drive. Linux to linux is easy.

if you can wait on wiping oos, simply by mounting the oos partition,
you should well be able to copy over all that you are wanting to
save for her.

thunderbird can import most any emails that would be on an oos box.

as for photos, .gif, .jpg, .png, are same in any os. an easy way to
find them that i have used many time  is to;

  ]$ su -c updatedb

with oos mounted. after update;

  ]$ locate .gif|grep /path/to/oos> gif.001
  ]$ locate .jpg|grep /path/to/oos> jpg.001
  ]$ locate .png|grep /path/to/oos> png.001

and you have 3 listings of graphic files. granted, you will have
files from various progs, but that can be minimized by noting
file locations and run a 'grep' on pic files to get only what you

same would apply for poetry.

running grep against her user path will give you what you want.

I'll look at centOS

it is only an older version of fedora that became redhat. ;-)

With Grub, I have ubuntu13.04 on first partition and Fedora 19 on
the second partition, Ubuntu Grub allows me to select between those
as well as another fedora on a separate hard drive so I guess it
> will find the windows partition. The windows mbr is what has me
> troubled so a fresh linux install will be the best option.

if you have ubuntu and fedora already installed, you have no need
to worry about mbr.

Thanks again

welcome again.



peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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