I know your pain. But a clean Linux install shouldn't take that long.
Only an update-install, which is based on what was previously
> installed (and has to churn through assessing it and all the updates
> that will be needed), should take that long to run.
agreed. centos with a default install is very easy to talk someone thru.
once installed, remote console can be setup and "good to go" thereafter.
Many thanks to all who responded to this dilemma. I really don't want to
touch it but it's someone I have known for 30 years, we worked together
though remotely, producing a quarterly newsletter for 10 years.
Trust me, she is so slow and requires confirmation at each small step,
having to explain each step takes time.
Fortunately I am adept at ubuntu and Fedora installs so apart from the
above it should be painless.
My main concern is how to save her emails, photos and poetry to a usb
drive. Linux to linux is easy.
I'll look at centOS
With Grub, I have ubuntu13.04 on first partition and Fedora 19 on the
second partition, Ubuntu Grub allows me to select between those as well
as another fedora on a separate hard drive so I guess it will find the
windows partition. The windows mbr is what has me troubled so a fresh
linux install will be the best option.
Thanks again
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