On 02/12/2014 10:28 PM, Edward M wrote:
On 2/12/2014 2:34 AM, Roger wrote:
Dell 1520 laptop which when new, Dell required it have xp installed.

As many have said windows xp eol is taking place in two months, and
the laptop probably may require more ram to be added so it can be
upgraded to either windows 7 or windows 8.1(if compatible).
I think removing xp completely and installing a linux distro is
a safer choice

it is a good suggestion, but installing linux and keeping xp for
games, etc and never putting it back on internet is also a better
choice over upgrading. and no, i would not expect an oos advocate
suggest installing linux. ;-)

Here is  a nice read: Microsoft's Tim Rains explaining  in his
blog the risks of running windows xp with no support.


some very strong points are made in blog as to how weak oos really
is and will continue to be.

but, he talks only about xp software, nothing is mentioned about
what would happen if a user only uses 3rd party, such as mozilla,
and if user blocks all incoming traffic that is not originated.

granted, 'mim' is always a possibility, then again, linux is just
about only system that is safe from such, tho not completely.

for sure, xp is on its way out, as should have been done long before
now. but there are some who may be locked in to it because of 3rd
party software


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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