On Feb 12, 2014, at 11:14 AM, "Powell, Michael" <michael_pow...@mentor.com> 

> Why did you insist that a computer illiterate person dual boot? One OS is 
> enough to deal with, why would you trouble her with two?

I agree.

> Continue updating Windows XP via Windows Update until everything has been 
> installed, and once done, try updating McAfee again.

I also agree that the first, and least path of resistance, is to get XP safer 
by ensuring it's updated. And this buys some time for actual budgeting and 
migration planning, until April anyway. No plan should include XP after even 
Microsoft has washed their hands of it.

The dual boot plan is risky. But I might be convinced it's workable if the 
existing XP setup is properly backed up, then fully updated; and the Linux 
install is to test the waters, familiarization and training. If it's the right 
direction, by April the plan needs to be the obliteration of XP. And that means 
obliterating and reinstalling whatever Linux is present and restoring user data.

So… that's a lot to chew off. She's almost certainly better off with a Windows 
7 upgrade and leaving well enough alone unless she initiates a preference to 
move away from that experience.

Chris Murphy
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