On 01/02/2014 12:54 PM, Ales Kozumplik wrote:
>> A question, I found the following on
>> <http://akozumpl.github.io/dnf/cli_vs_yum.html>
>> "dnf erase kernel deletes all packages called kernel
>> In Yum, the running kernel is spared. There is no reason to keep this in
>> DNF, the user can always specify concrete versions on the command line,
>> e.g.:
>> dnf erase kernel-3.9.4"
>> So if I issue 'dnf erase kernel' all kernels will be removed, and I have
>> no kernel anymore? Is that really a good thing? Should we not spare the
>> running kernel? Or is there some rationale behind this that I am missing?
>> Lars
> Hi Lars,
> yes that's the idea. In practice however, a user doesn't type 'dnf erase
> -y kernel' by accident and we don't feel the need to protect users who
Just in case it happens, is it possible to prepare in advance a wiki
page with instructions for repairing this accident?
Also with an visible counter of individual ip accesses so you can
evaluate how often this can be happening...
So, please, at least add a safety net/recipe in case that the
unthinkable will happen .. (Murphy says that it will :) )


> really know what they are doing from doing so. It's the same situation
> as 'rm -rf /boot' or 'rpm -e --allmatches kernel'. Of course, people are
> welcome to write specific plugins to achieve something similar to what
> Yum used to do.
> Ales

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