On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Ales Kozumplik <akozu...@redhat.com> wrote:

> yes that's the idea. In practice however, a user doesn't type 'dnf erase
> -y kernel' by accident and we don't feel the need to protect users who
> really know what they are doing from doing so. It's the same situation as
> 'rm -rf /boot' or 'rpm -e --allmatches kernel'. Of course, people are
> welcome to write specific plugins to achieve something similar to what Yum
> used to do.

Lots of users think they know what they're doing when in fact they don't
and are just trying things out. While I'm against excessive hand-holding in
general, removing what might be the only installed kernel is a really bad
way to teach them a lesson.

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