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On 12/30/2013 08:09 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 12/30/2013 08:03 PM, Bill Oliver wrote:
>> On Tue, 31 Dec 2013, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 11:25 PM, Bill Oliver <ven...@billoblog.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> In linux, is it possible to dictate two different actions upon login 
>>> with different passwords?
>>> Short answer: no.
>>> Longer answer: in computing almost anything is possible if you really
>>> want to achieve it. Given that on Unix-style systems, including Linux,
>>> the login program can be changed, you can modify the source to do what
>>> you want. Of course you'll need to have superuser privileges to install
>>> it in place of the system standard. Note that doing this may well open
>>> a can of worms, e.g. you might have to modify the format of the
>>> password file (and hence the library routines that access it), possibly
>>> fiddle with SElinux settings, etc. etc.
>>> If the conditions are relaxed slightly you can get a partial solution
>>> using the standard login: write a Shell startup script (.profile or
>>> whatever) that allows the user to discriminate between the two modes,
>>> e.g. by using a timeout, detecting the initial state of the Shift (or 
>>> Control or whatever) key etc., in a way that is hopefully non-obvious
>>> to an observer. Probably not reliable enough for serious use.
>>> Conclusion: better look for some other way to cover your tracks, and
>>> note that a forensic investigation can be carried out without having
>>> you log in at all.
>>> poc
You could setup a pam module that would work with the login shell to do
different things based on the password.

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