In the US you *can* be ordered to provide a password. Though appeals are still 
working their way up to the Supreme Court, various courts have said you must, 
while others have said that you may not.  See, for instance:

Thus, it currently in the stage where it depends on what jurisdiction you are 
in.  I am not confident that the Supreme Court will side with privacy or 5th 
amendment rights.


On Mon, 30 Dec 2013, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 01:26:22 +0000,
  Bill Oliver <> wrote:

Yeah, but poc was right in that if you have an image of the disk, you will know that there's an encrypted partition there, and you can get a court order to force the password. Since you have no fourth amamendment rights upon entry to the country at the moment, the government does not need a warrant to seize your laptop and/or make an image of it to play with at one's leisure. Of course, even having a good password is no guarantee any more.

In the US you probably can't be ordered to provide your password. If you are transiting the border it is probably best not to take sensitive data with you. It will normally be safer to use the internet to transfer the data after you have crossed the border.

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