On Jan 1, 2014, at 2:47 PM, Lars E. Pettersson <l...@homer.se> wrote:
> On 01/01/2014 10:19 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> If you want to find out what journalctl can support, look at the man
>> page. If you have suggestions for improvements, post it in Bugzilla like
>> I did yesterday.
> OK, I thought you meant that you knew an option that did it "pixel perfect". 
> Perhaps I misunderstood you.
> Bugzilla 1047700

rsyslog pulls data directly from journal files, so the source data is 
identical. What's different is how journalctl displays it compared to the 
message file rsyslog produces from the same journal file. I think this might be 
more a feature request of rsyslog than systemd, but if you're going to ask two 
projects to somehow negotiate and coordinate on producing an identical 
formatting of the journal file, I think it won't go anywhere. If you prefer the 
formatting of rsyslog then use that. If you prefer the formatting of journalctl 
use that, it's already available anyway and even has advantages to help you 
parse it to get what you're looking for.

I think this is the response you're likely to get if you get one at all:

> What improvements? Is it possible to get it "a pixel perfect match" using 
> options?

There are a lot. 

The journal is non-optional in systemd, it's available from very early boot 
unlike syslog so you'll find debugging boot problems actually possible rather 
than through inference. With some boot options it can produce rather prolific 
output to console, and if this is a VM you can get all of this information from 
the 1st nanosecond of boot via virsh console.

journalctl -b to get only the current boot messages, which you can't do with 
/var/log/messages which dumps every boot into the same file until it get 

Timestamps are UTC and converted  by default with the client to local time, and 
there's other handling possible to make conversions easy, including outputting 
monotonically. You can also reformat as JSON on the fly, it does not affect the 
journal file itself.

journalctl can be used to manipulate the logs on any computer. You don't need 
systemd to use journalctl. And you can merge multiple journals, including 
remote ones, to show their entries interleaved.

You can use -p to filter by priority, 0 is emergency messages only, 7 is debug 

It detects corruption of the journal files, and if detected warns, still reads 
it but won't write to it anymore. Instead it creates a new journal file to 
write to. Multiple journal files are read from as needed, you don't need to 
state which file to read from.

Good examples from the megathread on devel@ some months ago.



Chris Murphy
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