On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Lars E. Pettersson <l...@homer.se> wrote:

> Let me rephrase that.
> * The question should be in that part were you create the first user on
> the system (and after the user creating step, disregarding if you have
> added a user or not)
> * You can chose
> - keep /etc/aliases as is (this is how it has been for years)
> - add the newly created user (if you added one)
> - add a remote user or users (u...@somewhere.else)
> - or add a combination of local user and remote user(s)

I don't see the installer developers will agree to this proposal.  If you
want this amount of control, you are better off using kickstart IMO but
feel free to file it if you want to.

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