Quoting Heinz Diehl <h...@fritha.org>:

On 07.12.2013, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:

I've installed another hard drive in this computer and would like to be able
to install Fedora-20 on it from an exiting F-20-beta iso file already on
this same computer. I can't seem to find any instructions for doing

You could install F20 from an USB-stick, as a simple alternative.

1. isohybrid fedora20.iso
2. cat fedora20.iso > /dev/sdX (the device name of your stick)
3. Set BIOS to boot from your stick

Isohybrid is in the syslinux package.

  just from the above, what is the purpose of running "isohybrid"
in step 1 when you just do a raw copy of the ISO image to the
USB drive in step 2?


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