On 12/6/2013 12:46 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2013, at 8:41 PM, David <dgbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A Live-CD (DVD) will, all that I know of, *always* over write an
>> existing install.
> That's definitely not the default behavior with the Fedora installer since 
> Fedora 18. With Fedora 17 and older, the default option was to replace 
> existing Linux, and it was plainly marked with other options described on the 
> same window.
>> That I know of anyway, They are a 'write this to the
>> disk' system. It has been a long time but I (me!) do not know of a
>> Live-CD that does disk partitioning.
> On Fedora, the same installer is used for live desktop and DVD installs. It 
> has the same partitioning functionality in either case.
> The older installer for live installs was limited to rootfs being ext4 
> because the live file system was imaged to the target partition or LV, and 
> then resized as a post install operation. That hasn't been the case since 
> F18's installer, which uses rsync for live installs, and will install to 
> whatever file system and layout that the installer supports (which is the 
> same as for DVD and netinstall images).
>> Now you mentioned Windows. *If* you have Windows install you need to
>> 'shrink' the Windows section and make a place for the Linux to be installed.
>> If you have Win 7 it has a disk partitioning program to do that
>> included. Else you will have to use something else.
> Fedora 19 and 20 support [1] resizing NTFS volumes in both the guided and 
> custom partitioning paths. In Fedora 18 my recollection was that the guided 
> path had no UI for choosing how much to shrink the volume by. Whereas the UI 
> in F19 and F20 is much more obvious in the guided path, with a shrink button 
> that reveals a slider to choose the shrink amount. 
> In custom partitioning, when you click on the NTFS volume, there's no obvious 
> UI for resizing, but the volume size field can be edited. Click on that, and 
> enter a smaller value, and this will cause free space to be made available 
> from which you can specify new mount points for a new installation.
> In all cases with the new installer UI, all layout changes merely create an 
> edit list. Nothing is changed on disk until you click the Begin Installation 
> button from the hub (the main menu).
> Chris Murphy
> [1] This is a best effort support case, as the installer doesn't actually do 
> the resizing, it's done via the NTFS-3G. But it is a test case for Fedora QA 
> so it does get some testing and ought to work.

That is a real improvement. I have looked at several Live-CD/DVDs but I
can not ever recall installing one. I, personally, prefer fresh
installs. I find is much easier to reconfigure a few things than to find
and repair some odd-ball problem casued by a mixture of old and new

Maybe it's just me but I prefer to *use* my Linux install(s) than to
constantly be *fixing* them.  :-)

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