On 12/05/13 06:42, Beartooth wrote:
On Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:32:33 +0100, poma wrote:

On 03.12.2013 19:09, Beartooth wrote:

        Thank you, sir!
Aahh, these are the first kind words from you.
Much obliged.
I hope it was not too difficult to utter.
        So far, I have seen nothing but sneers and snarls from this
poster, sometimes accompanied by URLs which look relevant but are
actually off question. Now he has added untruth to his neo-trollery. I
see no reason ever to read anything more he may post; and I remind all
concerned of the sage advice not to feed trolls.

A few months ago I was having some problems in respite of WiFi connections, and asked this list about them. I got a response from "poma" which was completely cryptic and (to me) incomprehensible, but after a bit of nudging "poma" provided me with a step-by-step recipe to diagnose and rectify my problem. So I have evidence that he (I assume "he") can be kind and helpful if approached properly and with
sufficient persistence.

I never did get around to thanking "poma" for his assistance; this was churlish
of me.  My apologies to "poma".

That being said I do find most of his (?) posts to be cryptic, flippant, bewildering, unutterably terse and impossible to understand. It is not clear to me whether he aims at being bewildering or simply doesn't realize that no-one (or hardly
anyone) else in the world is on his wave-length.

At any rate I would hesitate to write him off as a "troll" or to ignore his posts completely. Just treat most of his posts with a shrug and delete them. There
will be (probably) be the occasional useful gem.


    Rolf Turner

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