On 15Nov2013 17:19, Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@wildblue.net> wrote:
> Ok that appears to have done what I wanted, at least it transferred
> a lot less data in very little time.

One thing I think Rick may have missed out is that if a file is
similar on the target (eg it had just grown on the source, implying
"append" to the target) then while rsync will make a whole new
target file (as a temp file until it is complete) it just sends
checksums for the overlapping data; if the checksums match then the
data in the new temp files is copied from the existing target to
the temp file. Only different data is sent from the source. Once
complete, the temp file is switched in to replace the former target

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

When in doubt, gas it. It may not solve the problem, but it ends the suspense.
        - Steve Moonitz (92 Ducati 900ss) <ste...@ew.timeinc.com>
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