On 15/11/13 12:53, Rick Stevens wrote:

No, you're not misunderstanding it. rsync looks at the source and
target and if there are differences, it copies from the source to the
target. In your case, you told rsync to copy everything inside the
/mnt/HOME1/bob/TBdBx07 directory (the source) to the
/home/bobg/.thunderbird directory (the target). If there are differences
between those two directories, rsync will try to make the target look
like the source as much as possible. Unless you add the "-u" option,
rsync will even overwrite files on the target that are "newer" than
those on the source.

The "-a" option to rsync tells it to try to do an archive (keep all
attributes, recurse down directories, etc.) and the "-z" means
"compress data during the transfer" (sorta silly when everything's on
the same LAN...it's more intended for WAN use). You probably wanted
"-avu --ignore-existing" to keep rsync from overwriting existing files
on the target (rsync will only copy over files that do NOT exist on the

rsync is a very powerful tool, but as with all powerful tools, one
can easily injure oneself. Use adequate safety equipment and read the
manual! :-)

Ok that appears to have done what I wanted, at least it transferred a lot less data in very little time. I thank you for the clear explanation. I have trouble understanding the man pages but on a good day I do answer my own questions.



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