Ahmad Samir wrote:

On 12 September 2013 17:53, Bob Goodwin ~ Zuni, Virginia, USA <bobgood...@wildblue.net> wrote:

    I view Thunderbird meswsages on a black background with white
    text, works well for my vision problems, however T-bird displays
    quoted text, e.g. j...@xxx.com, in dark blue which I can't read
    unless highlighted using a hand magnifier! Does anyone know how to
    change that color? I would be happy if everything was displayed in
    bold white text, the colors are without benefit "to me anyway."


Create a folder named chrome under ~/.thunderbird/<PROFILE_NAME>/; inside chrome create a text file named userContent.css and put this text in it:

@namespace url("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";);
a {
    color: white !important;}

if you want to make links white and bold:
a {
    color: white !important;
    font-weight: bold !important;}

then restart Thunderbird for the changes to take effect.


    box10   Fedora-19 Linux/XFCE

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Ahmad Samir

I created:

[bobg@box10 ~]$ cat .thunderbird/chrome
#    /home/bobg/.thunderbird/chrome

# @namespace url("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";);
# a {
#    color: white !important;}

# if you want to make links white and bold:
a {
    color: white !important;
    font-weight: bold !important;}

Which I believe is what you were suggesting I do? Restarted Thunderbird, even tried rebooting the computer, but still have dark blue links displayed on a black background.

I also tried adding that to seamonkey with no change.



box10   Fedora-19 Linux/XFCE

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