On 09/13/2013 04:45 AM, Bob Goodwin ~ Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:

George -

There's probably no way to convince you that I have done all this
correctly but after going through these settings again very carefully
[backgrounds #000000, all others #ffffff] this morning in both
Thunderbird and Seamonkey the result is still dark blue quoted link
names in Thunderbird and black on black quoted link names in Seamonkey.
I can always tap CTRL+A and read everything ...

i do believe that after last post, you should have settings as should be.

as i said, if after that and links still do not become white on black, it
may well be the 'de' and using kde, even gnome, would prove out if it is
a fixed, unchangeable.

It seems I can't have white text on black without suffering
incovenience, something that it seems [to me] should be just one item to
toggle instead of the mess it is now. I can't believe that I am the only
one who finds white on black preferable.

it does have advantages, but if i change from black on white, it will be
with euro orange on black.

Thanks for the help but let's drop it here,

welcome, but i have too much perseverance.

i find it difficult to not be able to override "link" settings to get what
you want.

to understand operation of configurations, basically, they works as;

  when thunderbird opens, it reads "prefs.js" to set up "about:config"
  settings, then reads "user.js", "userContent.css", "userChrome.css",
  for user's preferred settings.

  on closing, "about:config" settings rebuilds "prefs.js". "user.js",
  "userContent.css", "userChrome.css", are not touched.

to save possibility of my "chemo brain" making an incorrect statement, ;=)
read these links;




  [change 'fixing links' from #aaf to #fff]


in closing, i will say this, if you can not find what you need in above
links, and you try a different 'de', i will back up my thunderbird, make
changes for euro orange on black to see what happens and probably leave
it as such. ;=)

much luck.


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

sl6.3 linux



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