On 08/25/2013 08:19 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
This is good advice if you are fanatically waiting for the new kernel
to appear and install it within the first 5 minutes after hitting the
repositories... In that case it is unlikely that the corresponding
kmod-nvidia will be available, and akmod can kick in to save the day.
But if you are updating Fedora once a week or so, chances that you get
into that "gray area" where kernel is available while kmod still isn't,
are very small. It hasn't happened to me in years.

Normally I update every morning because, being retired, I have the time to keep my box properly updated. (Letting it run while breakfast's cooking helps.) At least on in three times that there's a new kernel, the kmod isn't ready until the next morning. And, as I live in California and I'm not exactly an early riser, I doubt that I'm getting the kernel right after it's released, but it's always possible.
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