On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 20:57:03 +1000
Roger <are...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> I'm using Fedora 19 with the standard Nouveau video driver.
> I've noticed that when re positioning gui windows with mouse,
> movement is increasingly glunky, jerking in 5-10mm steps in any
> direction. When dragging a border of a gui window the mouse moves to
> almost 100 mm before edge of the window moves.
> Have a 2 gig Geforce GT8600 video card which is very goo d at 3d
> Blender stuff.
> I swapped over to Ubuntu 13.04  which uses the Nvidia driver and
> there is no problem at all
> Is there any fix for the Fedora 19 Nouveau jerky movement?

The Nouveau driver performance is slow and jerky because the nVidia
hardware is still being reverse-engineered and the driver is still
under heavy development. You can take a look here


to get an idea.

If you don't insist on using Nouveau under Fedora, you can use the
nVidia closed-source drivers just like in Ubuntu. The procedure is this:

(1) install the rpmfusion repo [1] (if you haven't already),

(2) do a "yum install kmod-nvidia" (it might take a while to finish
because rebuilding the initrd is heavy, be patient with it),

(3) reboot the machine.

After that the nVidia driver should be active and everything
graphics-related should be very smooth and silky... :-)

HTH, :-)

[1] http://rpmfusion.org/

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